Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms, Treatment and Alcohol Detox Duration
It’s important to remember that they are only temporary and will usually subside within a few days. For individuals with severe alcohol dependence, however, withdrawal symptoms can be more severe and may require medical attention. That’s why many of us wonder if a month of avoiding drinking is enough to “reset” your liver back to normal. […]
What Is Alcohol and What Does It Do to the Human Body? HowStuffWorks
While alcohol can make you feel warm temporarily this is a perception generated by heat-sensitive neurons (thermoreceptors) located in your skin that detect a rise in your skin temperature from an increase in blood flow in the vessels close to the skin’s surface. In fact, alcohol actually lowers your core body temperature because the rush […]
Adderall: Uses, side effects, and dosage
In many cases, the body develops a tolerance to these side effects, and they go away. Drinking alcohol while taking Adderall can make people feel less drunk than they really are. In addition to other effects, drinking too much may worsen symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which Adderall is used to treat. Adderall […]
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
The majority of papers detected by this search focus primarily on diabetes mellitus and its complications, and were excluded. General literature reviews, single case reports, and letters were also excluded. All remaining papers were retrieved and the reference lists hand searched for any additional information sources. American Addiction Centers (AAC) is committed to delivering original, […]